Guide for unlicensed sai2: /comments/1/9423… Please respect my efforts & do not redistribute, thank you! Sai2S Download: /s/e72022686f (Use a ko-fi account if you want access to free updates) PaintToolSai2 (圆4) Download: systemax.jp/en/sai/devdept.htm… Will see about adding anti-aliasing to the colour wheel A few elements have incorrect offsets causing graphical glitches List of fonts is a bit difficult to read when not hovered, this may be improved in future. To pin sai2S, drag sai2S.exe from explorer to your taskbar, or create a shortcut. Pinning the window to taskbar will pin sai2.exe instead of sai2S.exe. I don't think there are many if at all any users who could make use of such things and the removal of them will reduce potential of user error. Advanced configuration stuff will probably be removed in order to simplify the sai2SManager UI. Developing a version for sai1 (Only the latest sai1 version v1.2.5 will be supported) Changes to pattern matching & support for sai2 versions v 2020.04.10 & v2023.04.05 Here's some custom themes made by RaikaiRan! ^^ If you need help installing/using sai2S, I made a guide which you can watch here: The ko-fi link to purchase & download is near the bottom of this post. Here's a preview of the app & custom theme colours: /a/OLyhiIR

For now, check this guide made by enkoko. If you're using an older sai2 version, you should download the latest version through the sai2 link provided below, older versions are not currently supported (support will be added soon). Supports both English & Japanese localizations. Tested on Windows 10 64bit (32bit is not supported), should also work on Win11. In addition, sai2S adds an icon which replaces the default sai2 icon in explorer & taskbar. This is a mod for PaintTool Sai2 which allows you to change colour of any UI element & create custom colour themes. Please read Upcoming Changes below for what I'm currently working on!